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Humberside Scout Jamboree 2023

IMG_0808.jpg Rotarian Adrienne Hodgson-HoyサムネイルPresident Sidney with Lewis and ScarletRotarian Adrienne Hodgson-HoyサムネイルPresident Sidney with Lewis and ScarletRotarian Adrienne Hodgson-HoyサムネイルPresident Sidney with Lewis and ScarletRotarian Adrienne Hodgson-HoyサムネイルPresident Sidney with Lewis and ScarletRotarian Adrienne Hodgson-HoyサムネイルPresident Sidney with Lewis and ScarletRotarian Adrienne Hodgson-HoyサムネイルPresident Sidney with Lewis and ScarletRotarian Adrienne Hodgson-HoyサムネイルPresident Sidney with Lewis and Scarlet

The Scout group gave an interesting presentation on their experiences at the Humberside Scouts Jamboree in April 2023 at Zellhof, Austria